Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Calgary Marketing Blogs

In the search for marketing and social media knowledge, I have found some fabulous resources online; websites and blogs like Mashable (an app is available!), Twist Image, ReadWriteWeb and TechCrunch. These sites have more information than I can possibly take in on a daily basis, I do my best to absorb as much as I can, when I can.

But there is something about getting information from "locals". I thoroughly enjoy and value information I get out of the local network I have access to (Calgary). There is something real and relate-able about local content creators.

Here is a short list of some local content creators that I learn from and enjoy. These publishers, and the above publishers create a lot of free, accessible and valuable content, soak it up if it floats your boat.

Share and enjoy.

by Shannon (aka: SBK)
Twitter: @sbkelsick

picture from Flickr Creative Commons:


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