Sunday, January 10, 2010

Now that's using Twitter/Social Media!

Pansy Marketing vs. Jugular Marketing

On January 8th I needed to vent about the constant and annoying need to recharge my ipod, I also decided to mention my dismal collection of music.

So I tweeted:
“Why don't ipod batteries last!? Are the newer ones better? So annoying. I need some new song suggestions - any favs?”

On January 10th I checked my @SBKelsick list (a list of Tweets that mention me). @tomasdoncker showed up. Huh. Never heard of him before, I don’t follow him and he doesn’t follow me.

This is what the tweet said:

@SBKelsick {Sunday Music} listen to "LUCKY DAY" {MP3} ==> ¥ Have a soulful day #GroovySexMusic

Interested, I clicked on the link, an MP3 – I listened to it. And it was a kick ass song. I listened to the whole song, kept the link so I can download the new tune, then I went back to the tweet and checked this Tomas Doncker guy out. Says he is a producer, singer, 202 following him, 222 followers. Hmmm. Ok.

I then went back to my work, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what just happened. Come on – this guy is brilliant right? The song was really nice and I will add it to my ipod – maybe check out a few more of his songs too - so he effectively got his product into the hands of an interested consumer. So he is a talented artist but that's not why I wanted to share this story.

He is brilliant because of how he performed what I shall call Jugular Marketing (ha!). He is obviously scouring Tweets (I would imagine he works a lot of hours doing that) looking for mentions of songs and music, then he gets the music into the hands of the consumer – he went right to the jugular. I wanted new music, he found me and boom now I am listening to his music.


So instead of just following people in the hopes that they will follow you back – I call that Pansy Marketing (yikes I am coming up with a lot today!), go for the jugular – find your real customers that are talking about the products and services you can provide to them, then provide them with what they are looking for.

Thanks for the lesson in Marketing Tomas Doncker. Go for the jugular - maybe that will be your next song?

SBK (Shannon) contact me:

Photo by Scott Prince


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