Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why Didn’t I Have More Mentors?

As I was reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book “the Outliers” I got a little angry. He spoke about successful people – and all of the outside influences, situations people – whatever – that significantly contribued to each individual’s success. It was a great read and will totally change the way that I parent.

picture by Scott Prince of (my big bro)

Why I'm Angry

The reason I got angry is why didn’t I have mounds of these people in my life to catapult me to extreme success? Sure I can look back and pinpoint many people that changed my life for the better – but why didn’t someone shake me when I went to College instead of University? Why didn’t someone encourage me to get even better grades in HighSchool? Why didn’t someone take me to their workplace and show me career options? Why did the government office I hoped would help me with career planning tell me that “they couldn’t determine what my interests were – only you can” and shoed me out the door with no reference materials or follow up meetings? Why did these “other” people have good fortune in their lives and my life seemed to steer around it?

Amazing People in My Life

I did have some amazing people in my life – my family , parents of friends that took me camping and skiing, mentors I acquired at work, an HR instructor that sent me running to the Dean’s office to switch majors in College (to Marketing thank goodness), and grade school teachers that likely changed my life.
Is it okay to feel like I could be even more successful than I am now if I had the “right line-up” when I was younger – how would my life be different?

What I do know:

When I see a child or a young adult that needs help, exposure or mentoring I will always step up and try to be that person that somehow helps them - that I owe to the child I was, I think we all do.

SBK (Shannon)


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