Monday, January 4, 2010

Oil and Gas and Social Media?

Living in Calgary, I shake my head everyday at the lack of social media adoption by the Oil and Gas Industry. I have spent my entire corporate career in O&G, and what I see are companies (and consumers) that are falling behind in many WOM (Word of Mouth) marketing opportunities and networking opportunities.

How can the Oil and Gas Industry use Social Media to connect with customers and increase sales?

How about posting product and service successes to your Tweeps (aka. Followers)? Your ‘tweeps’ would see the success immediately, rather than hear about it two weeks down the road when the sales rep takes them out for lunch. Even if the sales rep did tell the customer about it over lunch, are you confident that they know the details and can articulate the value to this customer? Getting a weblink with a one page brochure on the success into your customer's hands would be smarter, and it would be a measurable marketing task because you can then see who clicks through to your website to learn more.

And don’t fret about saying “Tweeps” in your next Business Development meeting. You have to say it, so expect some laughs from the uninformed, but don’t let that stop your business from capitalizing on a marketing opportunity.

If successes can be broadcast online in a timely manner why wouldn’t you want to do that?

Who’s online?

Oil and Gas business to business customers are online, and more are coming online. There are over 3200 individuals in the Twellow Pages under the Oil and Gas Industry and there are 701 individuals on LinkedIn that below to the “Oil and Gas Calgary” group, and that is growing everyday.

Oil and Gas Industry – use social media, I know it will pay off.

SBK (Shannon) follow me -

photo by Scott Prince


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